How technology is making classrooms smarter

Smart Classrooms in Boarding Schools

We are in the midst of a transition in learning and teaching. Where in past the classrooms have been somewhat isolated, and only students in that particular room or building may collaborate. As technology continues to revolutionize classroom learning and form major grounds in education, we have seen classrooms becoming more interactive and technologically advanced. 


The best schools in India are, however using technology to impart education to students and drive a holistic development for students living away from home in boarding schools in Indiaas well. The usage of technology in classrooms is quickly catching up in Indian schools. As a result of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality headsets, augmented reality (AR) is being used in classrooms to combine real-life objects with digital devices. Which makes learning more interesting and improves overall focus with self-learning habits.  


Following are examples of how technology integration is changing the teaching-learning process, from the use of slideshows to game-based learning. 
Self-learning tools are reshaping how students learn. 

Self-learning tools are reshaping how students learn in classrooms. With the expansion of self-learning technology, it’s easier than ever to access content in your own time and at your own pace. 

These tools can be used in any classroom setting, whether you’re teaching an online course or using Google Docs in class. They help students learn in a range of ways: by focusing on specific topics or concepts instead of just reading through traditional means; by providing feedback on student work; and even by giving them control over their own learning experience through gamification (the use of game elements). 


Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning 

AI is a technology that can learn on its own. In classrooms, it can help in teaching and learning, by providing personalized content, delivering relevant information to the student, and assessing their progress. Artificial Intelligence also helps make education more accessible to top boarding schools in India by providing customized learning programs according to each student’s needs. This will not only make it easier for students but also provide better assessment results, as well as bring down costs associated with higher education degrees. It’s one of the most important technologies that will help transform the entire education system. 


 Virtual reality will provide students with immersive learning experiences 

Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way through special electronic equipment, such as a virtual reality headset. The term virtual reality is often used as an adjective to describe the concept of replicating reality using digital technology. 

In recent years, virtual reality has attracted interest from the gaming community, who view it as an opportunity to create new worlds and tell stories on their terms. Other applications include communication training for soldiers and surgeons, design visualization for architects, education (e.g., learning about chemistry), rehabilitation therapy for stroke patients, and even dating! 


Augmented reality will help students relate to the content being taught 

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that blends the physical world with the digital world. The user can see and interact with content in their environment, which can be used to create interactive learning experiences for students. AR can also be used to create virtual tours of historical places or other locations relevant to their coursework.


Blockchain will change the way education credentials are awarded 

Blockchain is a distributed ledger that has the potential to change the way credentials are awarded. It’s an emerging technology that enables the secure transfer of assets and information between parties, such as a student and a school, a boarding or a college. Blockchains can be used to store and verify educational credentials—such as enrolment records, transcripts, and grades from class tests or assignments—so they’re easily accessible by both parties involved in the transaction.  

This means boarding students could get verified credit for their work at universities directly from those institutions, instead of having to go through third-party sources like counselors or guidance counselors (who often charge fees). 

Internet of Things (IoT) devices in Education and Learning. 

Technology can be a powerful tool to transform today’s world, technology is everywhere. The Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be used in classrooms to provide students with real-time feedback and monitoring as they work towards their goals. IoT devices will also be used to help students monitor their progress and personalize the learning experience by tracking their performance or offering customized feedback based on individual needs. 


Enhance classroom learning to make it more interactive for both students and teachers 

All such technologies will enhance classroom learning and make it more fun and interactive. The following are some of the advantages of using technology in classrooms for students and teachers.  

Technology helps students learn more effectively. For example, a student can take notes on an online course, which is interactive and allows him/her to write down what he/she likes. This way, he/she can focus on his studies without having to worry about taking notes or organizing them properly; instead, he/she could just write down whatever comes into his mind while listening to lectures or watching videos at home at night before going back to work the next day! 

Technology helps teachers teach better too! If you have ever taken any courses through Udemy (a popular online platform), then you know how much easier it is for teachers using this type of platform compared with traditional ones because they don’t need physical books anymore – everything can be done online via video tutorials or interactive exercises designed specifically for each lesson plan so everyone gets along well together regardless of whether they’re newbies or experienced learners alike. 


There are only good hopes 

Technology is a powerful tool that can enhance and improve education in a variety of ways, from making it simpler for teachers to develop lesson plans to open up new avenues for individual and group learning.  

But integrating it into the curriculum is only possible when it is employed as a tool to improve learning, ideally in the subject matter. A new era of education that can take place whenever and wherever is emerging thanks to the Internet’s global reach and the prevalence of smart gadgets that can connect to it. 


We believe that the future of education is bright. Technology integration will ideally direct, broaden, and improve learning objectives. 
A list of the best boarding schools in India equipped with modern learning technologies 

Technology integration has already benefitted many industries and continues to be transforming education as well. That will open up many doors and prepare students for the future. While all top schools in India profoundly integrate technologies into their classrooms, it is also a good reason why we are seeing fee rise in top schools. a right boarding school that can cater to all modern-day technologies in India can be tricky. 

To help you out, last here is a list of top boarding schools in India that are equipped with modern learning technologies, few are mentioned above.  


JIRS (JAIN International Residential School), Bangalore 

JIRS is an international residential school of excellence and one of the top schools in Bangalore, India, offering the greatest student life. JIRS benefit from a superbly designed, cutting-edge infrastructure that offers them all amenities. 

A highlight of JIRS is the classrooms built around cutting-edge technology. In addition to providing a regular classroom atmosphere for instruction, it has scientifically designed furniture, ample storage space, high-tech projectors, smart screens, and air conditioning. 

View school for more details  


ODM Public school, Odisha 

The ODM public school thinks that incorporating technology into the curriculum is a fantastic way to boost student achievement because it deepens students’ grasp of important concepts and speeds up learning with readily available information. The ODM Group of institutions is installing interactive display boards, learning systems, and broadcasting equipment from Hikvision. By integrating technology into the curriculum, learning and broadcasting solutions will benefit teachers, students, and the administration of the school and create a sustainable learning environment.  

View school for more details  


Tula’s International School, Dehradun 

Tula’s International School is a CBSE boarding school with excellently planned and technically sound topic classrooms to promote student learning. Modern projection systems, interactive whiteboards with high-speed wireless Internet connectivity, and high-quality sound systems with subject-specific learning materials are all available in every classroom. 

The content repository consists of thousands of highly animated, lesson-specific, 2-D and 3-D multimedia modules built with an instructor-led design that allows the teacher to effectively teach the lesson in a classroom of a diverse set of learners. 

View school for more details 


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