Hostel life Vs Home life: Which is better?

Hostel life Vs Home life

A residential school is a place where students constructively develop their personalities and character. Where children learn about their abilities and adapt to different cultures, ethnicities, and surroundings. To be independent, self-sufficient, and responsible for their future. In light of the fact that sending a child to a residential school is a big decision for parents. They often worry about their child not being able to adjust to the changes. A boarding school is undoubtedly a big change in a student’s life, moving from home comforts to a new environment.

This article discusses how boarding school/hostel life is different from home life, and how it affects pupils’ lives during their time living away from home. A boarding school also plays an important role in the growth of children’s personalities. 


  • The most important thing is to live at home with your family. Parents can primarily make you reliant.
  • Most of the work is done by your parents and siblings. Mom, for example, cleans your room and home as well as other tasks.
  • You, too, have a level of comfort. And parent lavish you with attention and luxuries.
  • These things make you highly reliant on them, and you miss these stuffs when they are not accessible at certain times.
  • Some parents are chilling, while others advise their children to read constantly and prevent them from using cell phones.
  • Some parents are overly restrictive.
  • You may have to do more chores at home than in a hostel, such as sweeping, mopping, cooking, and dishwashing, etc.
  • The best part about living at home is your mother’s homemade food and the caring environment.



  • Living in a hostel is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. You figure out how to live in this world. You gain independence.
  • You clean your room, arrange your belongings, and wash your clothes.
  • You will practice self-control. Getting up early, making your bed, going for a jog, living a systematic life, and getting everything done on time
  • You have to look after yourself and your belongings, and you learn a lot.
  • Life with friends is a completely different experience. You can talk to them, gossip with them, give or receive advice from them, and have fun with them.
  • They do your surprise birthday celebrations and throw parties on happier occasions.
  • Late-night games such as truth or dare, night outs watching series, or simply having life talks with fellow students.
  • Students who live with you in hostels are around the same age group, and they understand how you feel when you share something.


What boarding schools offer to you:


Hostel life makes you independent, as you are not under the direct supervision of your parents.

  • You learn to take care of yourself. You may have grown up in a house with parents who were always there for you, but you will have to learn how to do things independently when away from home.
  • You learn to manage your time. Hostels are not very big, and they don’t offer much privacy, so if someone needs something done, then it’s best if it gets done quickly before someone else comes along and steals that task off your hands!
  • You become more independent by being responsible for yourself (and only yourself). This is one of the biggest benefits of going on holiday – no one else needs anything from you other than some food and shelter – except maybe some fun!


Boarding schools develop leadership qualities, team spirit, and set students on the path of constructive competition.


It’s no secret that boarding school life isn’t for everyone. It may be hard to find a balance between your home life and the intense pressure at school, but if you’re willing to sacrifice some comfort for better education, this can be an amazing experience. In addition to taking part in extracurricular activities (like sports or music), many boarding schools also offer classes like art history or computer programming as electives, which means there are plenty of opportunities for you to take advantage of all kinds of learning opportunities outside your regular schedule!


Residential schools inculcate self-discipline.


Success is determined by many factors, including skills, habits, and attitudes, but the most important factor is self-discipline. A self-disciplined man can withstand hardships, temptations, and obstacles to relentlessly pursue the set goal systematically. Adhering to self-made rules despite obstacles will make a person disciplined in the true sense, and perseverance over time will eventually lead to success.

Residential schools teach students

  • to be independent.
  • to respect each other.
  • to work as a team.
  • to be disciplined and responsible for their actions, both on and off campus.


Since students interact with peers experiencing diverse backgrounds, they learn to respect each other regardless of their social standing.


In a way, the hostel environment is like a mini society where everyone has a chance to meet new people who are interesting and different from each other. This is important for building a sense of belongingness, which makes us feel more connected to a larger society, as well as being tolerant towards those who are different from us.

There are many surprises to be found in hostel life


The hostel lifestyle is an important part of student life, and it can be positive and negative at the same time. Hostels provide students with a free life, so they can spend their time studying, playing games, or relaxing. Living in a hostel teaches you a lot, in itself. In the home, the young do not turn into self-dependent beings for little things, even of a personal nature.

What good qualities can hostel life develop?

  • Cooperation
  • Sympathy
  • Love & care
  • Self-reliance
  • Social Harmony
  • Accountability


This article has helped you understand the importance of living in a boarding school, and how it can help you develop your personality, as well as build relationships with people from different backgrounds. There are many differences between hostel and home life, but this is the beauty of it. For many of you, home life is better than hostel life, for various hostel life has its benefits. It is ultimately up to you to make the decision.

Here’s More

We’ve compiled a list of the best boarding schools with the best facilities so your child can enjoy hostel life to the fullest. Do check it out… And for details reach us at @boardingschoolsofindia


  1. JAIN International Residential School (JIRS), Bangalore

JAIN International Residential School opened its doors in 1999. JIRS’s mission has been to turn potential into reality since its inception. JIRS students’ parents are high achievers, successful industrialists, businesspeople, and top executives. Parents who want their children to grow up to be leaders in whatever they pursue, while also having strong roots in Indian culture and values. JIRS’ distinct concept of lifelong learning and efficient all-around comprehensive approach may be the best match for your boarding school needs.

To get more details about amenities and admissions. Click here  


  1. ODM Public School, Odisha

The flagship school of Odisha’s developing educational organization is ODM Public School. It was founded in 1989 and recently celebrated three decades in the field of education. ODM empowers students, faculty, and employees with values that contribute to better human beings to develop great leaders capable of meeting future challenges and making decisions that benefit society. If you are looking for 360-degree holistic development for your child, look no further. Both academics and co-academics are accommodated with the utmost personal care and provide a homely environment with excellent facilities for self-exploration.

To get more details about, ODM Public School, fees, amenities, and other details. Click here  


  1. Springfield World School, Vidisha (M.P)

Springfield World School, run by the Karan Education and Welfare Society, offers students from all over India the best boarding school amenities and education. Springfield World School is your child’s dream school. The school provides a low-cost education with amenities normally found only in large schools. The facilities and experienced coaching at Springfield World School can be extremely beneficial to children with an interest in the arts.

Find out more about Springfield World School’s fees, amenities, and other details. Click here.   


  1. Tula’s International School, Dehradun

In 2012, the Rishabh Educational Trust founded TULA’S International School to provide education through a variety of progressive education methods infused with the Modern Gurukul Concept. They want to see a change in students’ mental, emotional, spiritual, and creative thinking processes, as well as their academic performance, following tried-and-true teaching methods that have given way to new ones as diverse subjects such as life skills, human behaviour, health management, and disaster management, have been added to the curriculum.

To get more details about TULA’S International School fees, amenities, and other details. Click here  


  1. ODM Global School, Odisha 

The ODM Global School in Bhubaneswar is the best CBSE school, with activities designed to help each child on campus grow holistically. The ODM education organization was founded in 2021. The best teachers in the country are brought in to teach at ODM Global School. They are Odisha’s first educational institution to be recognized in the prestigious K–12 school education category. News 18 named ODM Global School the “BEST EMERGING SCHOOL IN ODISHA” for being the state’s first Global CBSE School with a 360-degree learning curriculum, innovative educational facilities, and world-class infrastructure.

Learn more about ODM Global School, including fees, amenities, and other details.
Click here 

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