St Hildas Higher Secondary School, Ooty

St Hildas Higher Secondary School



    • The to use a dormitory system, with matrons assigned to each dormitory. St. Hilda’s has a separate junior dorm for students in grades I through IV.
    • The senior dorm is for students in grades V through XII. The children are assigned to their respective houses.
    • Each dorm has several bunk beds with eiderdowns of the same colour and perfects.
    • There are cupboards for students to store their clothes, as well as lockers for their belongings and other personal items.


The Physics, Chemistry, and Biology laboratories at the school are well-equipped. The computer lab has been upgraded with the most recent machines, and computer science is taught beginning in Std.


The school library is well-stocked with a diverse collection of books that are available to both faculty and students. There are also many magazines and two daily newspapers, so students develop the habit of reading the morning news and stay up to date on the latest news and events. The school has a multi-media PC in the library with the most recent CDs readily available to students of all ages.


The school chapel is located in the centre of the school building, affirming and glorifying God in all that we do. It is always open and available to anyone. It is a peaceful location for private prayers and communal worship.


The children’s health is closely monitored, and adequate arrangements are made for their care and nursing during illness.


    1. Hildas School, Ootacamund’s mission is to build an institution of excellence that integrates knowledge and learning to prepare students for life. They will be academically, socially, and emotionally prepared to discern truth, articulate their faith, and serve as servants and leaders through the effective application of the time-tested combination of Christian values and academic excellence in their chosen field.


    1. Hildas School, Ootacamund, has a vision of preparing young women to live faithful Christian lives so that God can use them to serve others and strive to build a better world.
Co-Curricular Activities


Music education is essential to education at St Hildas School Ooty.

School offers Individual and group tuition in music is by specialist music teachers.

St Hildas Higher Secondary School is one of the best boarding school Ooty, Tamilnadu. Providing top notch education through Cambridge curriculum. It was established in 1895 established by the sisters of the Church Extension Association.  


Six candidates were presented for the Cambridge university examination in the first year. The school, like most of the older schools in the Nilgiris, was established for the children of clergy, officers, and planters in order for them to obtain an English education while remaining in India.


The school’s enrollment grew rapidly, and its wealthy patrons included South African legend Sir Hector MacDonald and Her Excellency Lady Ampthill. Letters from Sister Martha (one of the first sisters to run the School) contain fascinating accounts of school life at the turn of the century.


School Location

On a spur of the Nilgiris, it rises 300 feet above the lake, commanding a wide stretch of hills and valleys surrounded by tea and cinchona plantations, eucalyptus trees, grassy downs, and picturesque villas obscured by their shady compounds. A terraced lawn, bright with English flowers, slopes to the valley, while a hedge of camellias, sweet verbena trees, and towering daturas add to the place’s perfect loveliness, which is surrounded by large bells. Add to the ideal beauty of the location. Dr.Duham had purchased Sheddon House on behalf of the sisters. 

  1. Application Submission
  2. Evaluation Test
  3. Interview
  4. Registration & Fee Submission
Document’s Required

At the time of admission parents or guardians must produce the following documents

  • Transfer Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • Medical Certificate

Fee Structure

Annually Fees

Day Scholars = 1,30,000 /-

Boarders = 2,00,000 /-



    • The to use a dormitory system, with matrons assigned to each dormitory. St. Hilda’s has a separate junior dorm for students in grades I through IV.
    • The senior dorm is for students in grades V through XII. The children are assigned to their respective houses.
    • Each dorm has several bunk beds with eiderdowns of the same colour and perfects.
    • There are cupboards for students to store their clothes, as well as lockers for their belongings and other personal items.


The Physics, Chemistry, and Biology laboratories at the school are well-equipped. The computer lab has been upgraded with the most recent machines, and computer science is taught beginning in Std.


The school library is well-stocked with a diverse collection of books that are available to both faculty and students. There are also many magazines and two daily newspapers, so students develop the habit of reading the morning news and stay up to date on the latest news and events. The school has a multi-media PC in the library with the most recent CDs readily available to students of all ages.


The school chapel is located in the centre of the school building, affirming and glorifying God in all that we do. It is always open and available to anyone. It is a peaceful location for private prayers and communal worship.


The children’s health is closely monitored, and adequate arrangements are made for their care and nursing during illness.


    1. Hildas School, Ootacamund’s mission is to build an institution of excellence that integrates knowledge and learning to prepare students for life. They will be academically, socially, and emotionally prepared to discern truth, articulate their faith, and serve as servants and leaders through the effective application of the time-tested combination of Christian values and academic excellence in their chosen field.


    1. Hildas School, Ootacamund, has a vision of preparing young women to live faithful Christian lives so that God can use them to serve others and strive to build a better world.
Co-Curricular Activities


Music education is essential to education at St Hildas School Ooty.

School offers Individual and group tuition in music is by specialist music teachers.

St Hildas Higher Secondary School is one of the best boarding school Ooty, Tamilnadu. Providing top notch education through ICSE/ISC curriculum. It was established in 1895 established by the sisters of the Church Extension Association.  


Six candidates were presented for the Cambridge university examination in the first year. The school, like most of the older schools in the Nilgiris, was established for the children of clergy, officers, and planters in order for them to obtain an English education while remaining in India.


The school’s enrollment grew rapidly, and its wealthy patrons included South African legend Sir Hector MacDonald and Her Excellency Lady Ampthill. Letters from Sister Martha (one of the first sisters to run the School) contain fascinating accounts of school life at the turn of the century.


School Location

On a spur of the Nilgiris, it rises 300 feet above the lake, commanding a wide stretch of hills and valleys surrounded by tea and cinchona plantations, eucalyptus trees, grassy downs, and picturesque villas obscured by their shady compounds. A terraced lawn, bright with English flowers, slopes to the valley, while a hedge of camellias, sweet verbena trees, and towering daturas add to the place’s perfect loveliness, which is surrounded by large bells. Add to the ideal beauty of the location. Dr.Duham had purchased Sheddon House on behalf of the sisters. 

  1. Application Submission
  2. Evaluation Test
  3. Interview
  4. Registration & Fee Submission
Document’s Required

At the time of admission parents or guardians must produce the following documents

  • Transfer Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • Medical Certificate

Fee Structure

Annually Fees

Day Scholars = 1,30,000 /-

Boarders = 2,00,000 /-

    Get Admission Info