26th BCS Slater Debates team ‘battle ready’ at the podium

The BCS Slater Debates team ‘ready for business’ with teachers and Debates coach Adiraj Mustafi.

The debating team of Bishop Cotton School (BCS), Shimla is preparing for some intense intellectual battles at the forthcoming 26th Annual Slater Debates – Friday 27th October to Tuesday 31st October – that are hosted on the BCS campus.

The Slater Debates are named in honor of the first headmaster – Rev Dr Samuel Slater who led BCS from 1863-1885. This prestigious competition attracts the best debating schools from across India. Last year the girls of La Martiniere, Kolkata emerged victorious.

BCS Director Simon Weale said ‘This is one of the highlights of our academic year. We welcome the best young debaters from across India and our boys really get the flavor of a university campus for a week. Everyone who attends the event benefits from witnessing the intellectual cut and thrust of these sharp young minds.’

The BCS debating team has just been announced and the boys have been working hard to consolidate their knowledge and sharpen their technique in preparation for the tough competition that lies ahead. Marks are given to the teams for their style, speed, tone, volume, diction, fluency and clarity, delivery and of course the quality of their arguments.

BCS is one of the oldest residential boys’ schools in Asia (founded 1859) and has played a key part in shaping the development of public schools and education in India as well as producing a host of well-known and successful alumni.


16 Slater Debates Participating Teams

1.La Martiniere For Girls, Kolkata

2.La Martiniere For Girls, Lucknow

3.Mallinson Girls School,Srinagar

4.Mayo College, Ajmer

5.St.James’ School,Kolkata

6.St.Thomas’ Girls School,New


8.The Assam Valley School,Assam

9.TheCathedralandJohnConnonSchool, Mumbai

10.The Sri Ram School, Aravali

11.Tyndale Biscoe School,Srinagar

12.Auckland House School, Shimla

13.Auckland House School for Boys ,Shimla

14.Covent Of Jesus And Mary,Chelsea,Shimla

15.Loreto Convent ,Tara Hall,Shimla

16.Bishop Cotton School,Shimla

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